

Create checkpoints of critical items or locations within your venue where you want actions carried out. The cooker, door handle, table or store room.



Create scheduled/time dependant tasks for checkpoints, to ensure your standard operating procedures are followed and actions are completed.



Carry out inspection surveys of your venue to ensure your specified standards are being met.



Schedule tasks hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or yearly. Ensure your processes are completed on time every time and get alerts if they are missed.

RFID / NFC Technology

RFID tags ensure that staff complete tasks on time, creating a log of each action that is stored in the cloud. The system cannot be faked or tricked, the action must be carried out at the location or item at the time specified in your schedule.

This creates irrefutable solid data that can be referenced for the FSA, HSE and other inspectors, and optionally provided to your customers via a web portal for their peace of mind.



Whilst you will be alerted immediately to any exceptions (Missed or failed actions), cloud reporting allows you to review all of the data, such as, who has done what and when, as well as the full history of cleaning events for each checkpoint and all of your HACCP data. This reporting allows you to confidently demonstrate to a Food Hygiene inspector how you go above and beyond with your food hygiene and cleaning standards, Showing them that you are organised and all of your documentation is always complete and up to date.

API access

API access

Our commercial customers can benefit from our API (Application Interface). Your developers can access our code library to enable them to pull the data into your own bespoke applications.

API triggered schedules

API triggered schedules

Our commercial customers can use our API to trigger events for staff to complete. For example, when a table has paid through your POS system, trigger a clean event for that table, or a bugler alarm could trigger an inspection of the premises.

Android & iOS app

Android & iOS app

Tap n Act works from any mobile phone. We are available in the app stores for both Apple and Google Play.


Track all of your HACCP documentation electronically, easily and without fuss in an organised manner and store the data in the cloud for easy access when needed.

The system tracks:

  • HACCP Food preparation temperature recording
  • HACCP Training records
  • HACCP Breakages records
  • HACCP Food Delivery management
  • HACCP Pest Control
  • HACCP Automated Temperature Monitoring
  • Automated temperature sensing* (see below)
Public Mini-Web portal

Public Mini-Web portal

Optionally publish information about your cleaning schedules and cleaning events and allow your customers to view that via a QR code scan of a checkpoint, a QR code vinyl in your window, or from a widget on your website. This allows you to give transparency and therefore confidence to your customers.

Realtime management alerts

Realtime management alerts

Get alerts to your email and WhatsApp in the event of an exceptions a missed schedule, or for an action or inspection that has failed, so that you can then take immediate corrective action. While you can rest, secure in the knowledge that if you are not getting alerts, that your defined operating procedures are being followed by your staff.

Historic data storage

Historic data storage

Your data is stored securely in a cloud database, allowing you to access historical data about your HACCP and cleaning schedules. In the event of an inspection, you can demonstrate your processes are rigorous, always completed and most of all documented in a clean and clear, immediately accessible format

Manage and record customer complaints

Manage and record customer complaints

Your staff can record customer complaints on the easy to use mobile app, giving you visibility of those complaints and the actions that the staff took to resolve them.

IoT Automated Temperature sensing*

Tracking the temperature of your fridges, freezers and food storage rooms is critical for HACCP, your valuable stock, and for the food you have produced. Tap n Act automates this process for you and extending it to provide you with peace of mind that your food storage is always within temperature parameters.

While HACCP requires you to conduct twice-daily temperature checks, our small IoT device lets you monitor temperatures every 15 minutes, sending the data to our cloud application and alerting your staff if we notice the temperature changing over time. This allows you to take action before the temperature becomes out of range and therefore saving the stock and food in that fridge, freezer or stock room.

Our IoT device has an inbuilt battery and alarm. In the event of a power failure, our device will continue monitoring your fridges and freezers, ensuring that the temperature does not exceed parameters. Since this works without opening the doors and letting in warmth, we can keep your food safe for longer without power to the fridge.

* Temperature sensors are sold separately.
